Applying for British Citizenship

If you are looking to apply for British Citizenship. Please read the following carefully!

What you need:

In order to become a UK national you need to pass the following:

1. Life in the UK - ( A Written exam designed to test topics like British History)

2. B1 exam - (Speaking and listening exam designed to test how well you speak).

Home Office Stats:

According to the Home office: Only 3% of people managed to pass both LIUK and B1 exam first time. Please see the table below:

2019 Exam Results for Application of British Nationality.  

Number of Applicants in 2019: 147,891.

 Exam  1st time Pass  2nd time Pass 3rd time Pass 4th time Pass
LIUK 2% 11% 41% 42%
B1 exam 1% 8% 32% 50%

 Data from office of National Statictics (ONS)

How to Pass 1st time:

If you know that your English is not good enough then please be honest and get help. There is no point wasting time by trial and error. At Esolearn we are proud that 98% of our students pass first time. Making English easy is what we do best. 

To Save time and Money: Click Here 

To view our LIUK Courses: Click Here

To View our B1 Course : Click Here

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