Course Content

At Esolearn, we understand that every student is different. This means that a singular course content will not work for everyone. The secret to our success is that our course content is tailor made to the student. Over the years we have developed four main approaches. These include the following:

Beginner – Students in this bracket get extra help. The content is designed to be intensive. The beginner content takes the longest to complete.  

Intermediate– The content in this bracket is designed to fast track the student and to get them more confident in their speaking, writing and listening skills.

Advanced – Students in this bracket are almost ready however, they require help with issues like diction and tonality.

Professional – Honestly, the student in this bracket is just lacking confidence and require very little in order to pass any exam.

Everyone is different, that is why we have invented the PHONE TEST.This is our way of understanding your English level and your abilities. To take part in the short test please contact us on 01582 410069.

Click here to learn about Course Structure

Click here to learn about Enrolment

Click here to learn about Taking Exams